Monday 2 November 2009

Scrub - 003

Hey! I have a level 70 epic staff! That must mean because it is epic that NONE of the drops while I leveled are good because they are GREEN or equally pathetic and BLUE!


Another moron who obviously is going to "outgear" their crappy gear, so figures, hey, I don't need to make an effort until the good stuff comes. But look how you hurt your raid. This was VoA10, how fail all over really. Just put some green quality gems if you plan to replace the gear, so you at least get some benefits.

I despise pick up groups, despise it. Why do I keep putting myself through this?

Sunday 1 November 2009

Scrub - 002

A different variety of scrub today folks!

This is a scrub, who happened to get somewhat decent gear. Not all scrubs are players with bad gear. This one is one of those people you pug with, that just does not pull their weight. The picture describes it best.


The first damage meter shows the overall damage done, the second shows the damage done during the second boss.

The conversation wasn't all in one go, it was over the course of 10 minutes, after downing the second boss in Halls of Stone heroic. My character was Dorcia, fresh-ish level 80 and was tanking the heroic, quite low DPS myself but I'm the tank!

I play rogue mostly, and I enjoy the class, and it pains me to see people just taking no effort at all like this. No use of poisons, no tricks of the trade on any target, barely keeping up slice and dice. What an awful display of the rogue class.

Checking the gear however, it's very apparent that this rogue hasn't done any content past a few Nax 25 bosses, every drop was either from badges or itemlv200 epics. These are the fail players that are infecting WoW, the ones who can't make any effort. It saddens me.

What was even funnier, after I did link the damage meters, this rogue defended himself / herself by exclaiming "I do more DPS than you!"

What kind of justification is that? You barely out-dps the tank, and you do significantly less overall damage, you're wasting a space in the group, you're making things take longer, you're a waste of time.