Sunday 17 January 2010

Friday 11 December 2009

Scrub - 004

Hasn't been many updates lately, but why is that? Well first off I've been playing other games, Dragon Age : Origins inparticular, and some old Playstation one nostalgia games. I hadn't felt the need to go onto Warcraft. However, patch 3.3 came along, and just before I got myself into a decent raiding guild, so there's a bit more of a reason to play now, actually taking part in the content rather than wishing to take part.

But ouch, 3.3 sure brought with it the bane to 5 man dungeons, the cross-server pugs. The bad things about this are infinite, you're going to end up with people who do not have to "behave" because how they treat others isn't important, it's not their server, so screw it. You're also going to get all variety of people slightly out of your control. Granted you can vote-kick members who aren't doing so good, but that's only if other members agree.

I play on Defias Brotherhood EU - RP-PVP. I chose the RP-PVP server because I'm enjoy RP now and then but it's not wholey RP I enjoy, I enjoy PVP as well. What is RP? It's Role Playing, but what does that mean for the server? Well, in general, to me, it means you wont see a bunch of "Lazerphaser" names and "Rofldruidhealasdadasa". Stupid names get changed, you're left with decent names, decent guild names, and usually with that, comes a level of maturity from the players. They're a lot more forgiving and adult (obviously there's exceptions, you do come across morons, but I'd say the majority of players are okay).

With 3.3 I've been forced (to get my emblem of frost) to either make pre-mades and join the random dungeon, or, as I've been encouraged by achievements, to pug with people from different servers.

First two days, though it's slightly a pain in the ass, it wasn't too bad, until today;


Hopefully this explains enough, sadly the chart is improved based on what it was. During the first two bosses in the instance, the ONLY spells this druid used to heal was Nourish and Healing touch (oh and occasionally living seed which he seemed proud of). The screenshot is taken slightly after I told him to use "other heals" when we began to struggle on certain encounters, and the DPS were dropping bellow 30% and 20% health because he'd only cast Nourish. We wiped on the black knight because he couldn't keep anyone in the party alive.

Not only that but he also needed on every piece of feral gear that dropped, didn't buff the party at all and wasn't all that smart about going into tree form until late into the first boss pull.

But hey, he's going to get Tier 9, and if he plays enough Tier 10.

This new cross-server grouping is going to mean I come across many scrubs. People who don't know shit about anything it'd seem.

"I now whats best"

From that, I can tell I'm playing with a child.

Monday 2 November 2009

Scrub - 003

Hey! I have a level 70 epic staff! That must mean because it is epic that NONE of the drops while I leveled are good because they are GREEN or equally pathetic and BLUE!


Another moron who obviously is going to "outgear" their crappy gear, so figures, hey, I don't need to make an effort until the good stuff comes. But look how you hurt your raid. This was VoA10, how fail all over really. Just put some green quality gems if you plan to replace the gear, so you at least get some benefits.

I despise pick up groups, despise it. Why do I keep putting myself through this?

Sunday 1 November 2009

Scrub - 002

A different variety of scrub today folks!

This is a scrub, who happened to get somewhat decent gear. Not all scrubs are players with bad gear. This one is one of those people you pug with, that just does not pull their weight. The picture describes it best.


The first damage meter shows the overall damage done, the second shows the damage done during the second boss.

The conversation wasn't all in one go, it was over the course of 10 minutes, after downing the second boss in Halls of Stone heroic. My character was Dorcia, fresh-ish level 80 and was tanking the heroic, quite low DPS myself but I'm the tank!

I play rogue mostly, and I enjoy the class, and it pains me to see people just taking no effort at all like this. No use of poisons, no tricks of the trade on any target, barely keeping up slice and dice. What an awful display of the rogue class.

Checking the gear however, it's very apparent that this rogue hasn't done any content past a few Nax 25 bosses, every drop was either from badges or itemlv200 epics. These are the fail players that are infecting WoW, the ones who can't make any effort. It saddens me.

What was even funnier, after I did link the damage meters, this rogue defended himself / herself by exclaiming "I do more DPS than you!"

What kind of justification is that? You barely out-dps the tank, and you do significantly less overall damage, you're wasting a space in the group, you're making things take longer, you're a waste of time.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Scrub - 001

Our first scrub!

I don't mind naming and shaming, if yer gonna go to raids like this, you deserve it.


I wondered how long it'd take since I started this blog to come across my first scrub! I've encountered many before, but now that I'm documenting them, they really need to reek of scrub to get put on this blog.

So for this, my first scrub, this guy attempted to join a ToC25 run. I'm happy to pug 25 man content at the moment because my guild is focusing on 10 man's.

Now maybe he only just hit 80 and got a few pug groups for Ulduar and Naxx (nice off-hand sword) and managed to gear up a few things. But let's look what else? No meta-gem ? No Enchants at all ? GREEN quality gems (at least use blue in epic itemlv200, I can understand not wanting to spend the money to use epic).

I wouldn't care so much if you're just 80 and in itemlevel200 gear, if you treat it well, push your character with what it has. But slacking off because you know other people can carry you? No thanks.

He was removed from the raid shortly after informing the raid leader, and rightfully so. Alt or main, make some effort.

No reason to not know your stuff


In today's version of World of Warcraft there is no excuse to be uneducated about end game if you are planning to take part in it. If you're happily playing casual for battlegrounds or for roleplay or just completely casual, that's absolutely fine. If you're going to go into pug raids or guild raids then there is no excuse not to at least try to learn your stuff; be it class rotations to best enchants, sockets and gear and obviously; strategies.

It's my opinion that being casual does not mean you have to be a noob. With the introduction of Trial of the Crusader 10 and 25 man normal modes (default) you can prove you have at least the basic skill without the need for countless hours clearing trash. By being somebody who researches a little into their class for the benefit of the raid does not make you elitist or hardcore. It takes a few minutes to check up on things and making sure you're prepared is never a bad thing.

So, in the long and short here are some extremely useful links that most decent WoW players should know:

MMO-Champion this website is pretty much your number 1 website for your WoW news with upcoming patches and content. It's rather reliable and covers a wide aspect of the upcoming changes to the game. Definately check it out.

Wowhead is useful for when you need to find an item, NPC, quest or anything like that. Try not to hassle people in trade or general chat because you'll probably get flamed, or given useless information. If you can't find it on Wowhead, I don't know what's wrong.

Curse is your primary website for addons. I recommend definately getting the curse client as it'll make sure you're not downloading any bad files.

Warcraft Radio gives some good radio discussion and shows you can listen for WoW information. A personal recommendation is Blue Plz! by Total Biscuit the station owner. The show is an exaggerated look at the upcoming content, often in a negative view, but mostly it's just for the sake of the show, although you can often agree with TB and understand his viewpoint. Take it lightly if you do give it a listen and you should be very entertained. There are other shows there for other fun aspects of the game.

There's a multitude of other websites available for your WoW news but these are my personal favourites.

Monday 19 October 2009

Why beg?



Okay, everyone comes across this, the random lowbie beggar that for some unknown reason believe they need gold. Why do they need gold? To get weapons or new armour! But why? To help them level I imagine?

I really do not understand why someone needs anything beyond the quest rewards while leveling. The game does a very good job of allowing you to earn the amount of gold you need for your current level. At level 22, which was the level this guy was, you could easily buy your abilities with the gold earned from vendor trash and quest rewards. Your armour is perfectly fine presuming you're questing, and therefor you shouldn't need any money. Especially with the reduced mount prices etc.. these days.

If you know how to use the Auction House while leveling you could also make a lot of money. A good tip if you're leveling an alt or for the first time, and want to ensure you have money for epic flying at max level (you could get it at 60 I believe these days, and this is also easily possible) - Get 2 gathering professions; skinning, mining or herbalism. Herbs and ores sell quite high due to JC and Inscription. Level these professions as you level and sell everything on the auction house.

When you are leveling, there is no reason to buy anything from the auction house at all. The only exception is that you may want to buy glyphs if you can get them for a decent price or don't have anyone who can make some for you. Besides glyphs, you should not be buying stuff from the auction house while leveling, it's not necessary, it'll reduce your gold for items you do not need when you reach max level. It's a wasted investment, especially with the introduction of heirloom items, and the quality of quest rewards.

Either way... Please stop begging. Nothing says scrub like begging, especially when you're spelling nearly every word wrong.