Monday 19 October 2009

Why beg?



Okay, everyone comes across this, the random lowbie beggar that for some unknown reason believe they need gold. Why do they need gold? To get weapons or new armour! But why? To help them level I imagine?

I really do not understand why someone needs anything beyond the quest rewards while leveling. The game does a very good job of allowing you to earn the amount of gold you need for your current level. At level 22, which was the level this guy was, you could easily buy your abilities with the gold earned from vendor trash and quest rewards. Your armour is perfectly fine presuming you're questing, and therefor you shouldn't need any money. Especially with the reduced mount prices etc.. these days.

If you know how to use the Auction House while leveling you could also make a lot of money. A good tip if you're leveling an alt or for the first time, and want to ensure you have money for epic flying at max level (you could get it at 60 I believe these days, and this is also easily possible) - Get 2 gathering professions; skinning, mining or herbalism. Herbs and ores sell quite high due to JC and Inscription. Level these professions as you level and sell everything on the auction house.

When you are leveling, there is no reason to buy anything from the auction house at all. The only exception is that you may want to buy glyphs if you can get them for a decent price or don't have anyone who can make some for you. Besides glyphs, you should not be buying stuff from the auction house while leveling, it's not necessary, it'll reduce your gold for items you do not need when you reach max level. It's a wasted investment, especially with the introduction of heirloom items, and the quality of quest rewards.

Either way... Please stop begging. Nothing says scrub like begging, especially when you're spelling nearly every word wrong.

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